. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: Finals Feature Match – David Flores vs. Benjamin Deeter
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UDS Invitational Indianapolis, IN: Finals Feature Match – David Flores vs. Benjamin Deeter

August 18th, 2019

It all comes down to this! David Flores from Houston, Texas is Dueling against Benjamin Deeter from Ames, Iowa in a Match that will determine who is the ULTIMATE DUELIST! Only ONE of these Duelists will go home with the Championship Belt and all perks associated with it, and we’re about to find out who it’ll be. It’s streamlined Thunder Dragons versus a 55-card Phantom Knight Orcust Deck with Neo-Spacians and a bunch of other themes. For the last time this weekend, it’s time to Duel!

Duel One

Deeter started off Duel 1 by Special Summoning Junk Forward from his hand.

He Set The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine and flipped it to Special Summon it. He sent his 2 monsters to the Graveyard to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights and used its effect to add Dark Grepher to his hand. Next, he activated Isolde’s effect and sent D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation, Living Fossil, Overdone Burial, and Divine Sword – Phoenix Blade to the Graveyard, but lost out to Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. He used Autonomous Action Unit next to Special Summon Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, and then Link Summoned Knightmare Phoenix by combining his 2 monsters. He sent Phoenix to the Graveyard to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid and activated its effect, but lost out to Infinite Impermanence.

Flores activated Allure of Darkness to draw 2 cards and banish Thunder Dragondark from his hand, but Deeter used Droll & Lock Bird to stop him from adding any more cards to his hand. He ended his turn with Infinite Impermanence, Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, and Allure of Darkness in his hand, with no cards on his field.

Deeter Normal Summoned Dark Grepher and discarded Omni-Dragon Brotaur to use its effect and send Orcust Harp Horror from his Deck to his Graveyard. He banished it to activate its effect, but lost out to Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. He attacked with Dark Grepher, dropping Flores down to 7300 Life Points.

Flores drew Thunder Dragonhawk from his Deck! He discarded it to Special Summon his banished Thunder Dragondark and then Tributed Dragondark to Special Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus! He used his Dragondark’s effect to add Thunder Dragonroar from his Deck to his hand and then activated Allure of Darkness to draw Batteryman Solar and Aloof Lupine and banish a Dragonroar from his hand. He used Dragonroar’s effect to Special Summon Thunder Dragonmatrix from his Deck and then sent Colossus and Dragonmatrix to the Graveyard to Link Summon Some Summer Summoner. He used his Dragonmatrix’s effect to add another copy of Dragonmatrix from his Deck to his hand and then Normal Summoned Batteryman Solar. He activated its effect to send Thunder Dragonroar from his Deck to his Graveyard and then Tributed the Solar to Summon a Colossus. Some Summer Summoner attacked Mermaid to destroy it, and then Colossus attacked and destroyed Dark Grepher. Deeter Special Summoned Brotaur from his Graveyard with its effect, and Flores Set Infinite Impermanence before ending his turn.

Deeter drew a card and then Summoned Armageddon Knight. He activated its effect, but lost out to Flores’s Infinite Impermanence. Deeter immediately conceded.

David Flores prevails in a battle of effects that activate in the hand during the opponent’s turn, ultimately drawing a Thunder Dragonhawk that catapults him to victory! Deeter chose to go first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Deeter started off Duel 2 by Normal Summoning Neo Space Connector and activating its effect to Special Summon Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin from his Deck in Defense Position. He discarded Orcust Knightmare to activate its effect. Flores revealed his hand of Thunder Dragon, Thunder Dragondark, Thunder Dragonhawk, and 2 copies of Infinite Impermanence, and Deeter lost 500 Life Points. Deeter Link Summoned Isolde by sending his 2 monsters to the Graveyard and activated its effect, but lost out to an Infinite Impermanence. He banished Orcust Knightmare from his Graveyard to send Orcust Harp Horror from his Deck to his Graveyard, and then banished the Harp Horror from his Graveyard to Special Summon Orcust Cymbal Skeleton from his Deck. He Special Summoned Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson from his hand by targeting Cymbal Skeleton and then used Destrudo and Cymbal Skeleton to Link Summon Galatea, the Orcust Automaton. He tried using its effect, but lost out to Impermanence. Deeter Set a card to his back row and then passed. In the End Phase, he discarded Thunder Dragondark to try to use its effect, but Deeter Chained Called by the Grave from his hand to banish it.

Flores drew Thunder Dragonmatrix and then discarded Thunder Dragon to get another copy of it from his Deck.

He Set the Thunder Dragonmatrix and then Tributed it to Special Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus. He used Dragonmatrix’s effect to add another copy from his Deck to his hand and then attacked Isolde with Colossus to destroy it. In Main Phase 2, he banished Colossus from his field and Dragonmatrix from his hand to Special Summon Thunder Dragon Titan from his Extra Deck. He discarded Thunder Dragon to activate its effect, and Deeter Chained Called by the Grave to banish a Dragonmatrix from the Graveyard so that Flores couldn’t use Titan’s effect. Flores forgot to add a Thunder Dragon from his Deck to his hand with Thunder Dragon’s effect, but then discarded Dragonhawk to Special Summon Dragondark, and used Titan’s effect to destroy Galatea.

Deeter drew a card with nothing on his field. He Special Summoned the Super Quantum Red Layer he had drawn and then banished Cymbal Skeleton to Special Summon Galatea from his Graveyard. At that point, it was noticed that Flores had failed to add a Thunder Dragon from his Deck to his hand and received a penalty for a minor procedural error! Because he had received one previously in the tournament, it was upgraded to a Game Loss!

Deeter gets a win as a result of Flores’s Game Loss in Duel 2! Flores chose to go second in Duel 3.

Duel Three

Deeter activated Instant Fusion and paid 1000 Life Points to Special Summon Invoked Raidjin from his Extra Deck. He Normal Summoned Cymbal Skeleton next, and then used his 2 monsters to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix. He used the Phoenix to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid and activated its effect by discarding Blue Mountain Butterspy, but Flores Chained the effects of the Phantazmay in his hand and Infinite Impermanence! He negated the Mermaid’s effect, Special Summoned Phantazmay, drew 2 cards, and returned a card from his hand to his Deck. Deeter Set a card to his back row and passed. In the End Phase, Flores discarded Thunder Dragondark to add a copy of it from his Deck to his hand.

Flores drew a card and then had Thunder Dragonhawk, Thunder Dragondark, Allure of Darkness, and 2 copies of Thunder Dragon in his hand. He used Allure of Darkness to draw another copy of Allure and a Thunder Dragonroar and banished the Dragonroar. He used its effect to Special Summon Thunder Dragonmatrix from his Deck and then discarded Thunder Dragon from his hand to activate its effect and add another Thunder Dragon from his Deck to his hand. He Tributed Dragonmatrix to Summon Thunder Dragon Colossus and used Dragonmatrix’s effect o add another copy of Dragonmatrix from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated Allure of Darkness to draw 2 cards and banish Thunder Dragondark from his hand. He used Dragondark’s effect to add Thunder Dragon Fusion to his hand. He Summoned Dragonmatrix and sent it to the Graveyard along with Colossus to Link Summon Some Summer Summoner and then used Thunder Dragon Fusion to return Dragondark, Thunder Dragon, and Colossus to his Deck and Special Summon Thunder Dragon Titan linked to Some Summer Summoner. He activated the effect of a Thunder Dragon in his hand next by discarding it, but Deeter flipped Called by the Grave to banish it and negate its effect. Next, Flores Special Summoned Dragonduo from his hand and discarded Dragonhawk to Special Summon Dragonroar. He Tributed Dragonroar to Special Summon Colossus and then Tributed the Summoner to Special Summon another Colossus. Attacks from Phantazmay, Dragonduo, Titan, and both copies of Colossus inflicted more than enough damage to wipe out Deeter’s Mermaid and all of his Life Points!

David Flores is the Ultimate Duelist with his Thunder Dragon Deck!