Welcome to YCS Portland, Oregon!
Thank you for joining us at the first Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series event of the new season! We’re here in beautiful Portland, Oregon, ready to jump back into the Dueling action! We have 801 attendees in the main event today, all hungry for the title of YCS Champion!
This tournament is special for several reasons. This is the first event with since the release of Fists of the Gadgets! This pack features new support for Gadgets, Fire Fists, and Summoned Skull. Will we see any enterprising Duelists packing the new cards?
Second, this is the first YCS with the new Forbidden & Limited List, which made sweeping changes to strategies like Danger!, Trickstars, and Chaos decks. We got a taste of the new format at the UDS Invitational last week in Indianapolis, which had Thunder Dragons, Altergeists, Salamangreats, Sky Strikers, and Orcust variants in the Top 8 at that event. It’ll be interesting to see if that remains the same here, or if the players will be trying new options.
Finally, YCS Portland is the first place where Duelists can win the all new prize card: Duel Link Dragon, the Duel Dragon! This amazing Link Monster utilizes the power of Synchro Dragons to create powerful tokens and defend itself.
Who will be the first to take home this mighty prize card? We’ll find out before long – Round 1 is nearly underway!